Friday, November 11, 2011

Writing Assignment 5: Four Square

It was another cheery day at Meadow Creek Elementary. The sun was hot, the clouds were the soft fluffy kind, and you could just smell the pizza being prepared in the cafeteria across the field. Janet, the most stern yet prettiest girl in the 4th grade, was already suggesting everyone line up for four square. Per usual, John and I began to argue as we made our way to recess as to who will be able to stand next to Janet in the coveted King square, she always stayed in the Queen square. I feel rather confident because unknown to John, today will be my victory day. I have a little something up my sleeve
“So Ben, what are we going to bet on or trade today?” John asked me with a smirk.
“I don’t know, I thought because I let you have the window seat this morning you’d be willing to give it to me” I suggested.
“ Ha! You didn’t let me sit there, I beat you to the bus stop this morning fair and square” he retorted quickly.
The bus stop. I can’t help to shudder when he says those two words. It was the place our friend ship started when we both had the same lunch box in 1st grade. The place we arrived at half an hour early on Fridays to plan our weekends. It’s the place we showed each other drawings of the ultimate super heroes. And last fall it was the place where John and I began to drift apart. And it’s all because of something I tried to stand up for him about. Santa Claus. We had been kicking piles of leaves and talking about making our lists for Christmas when a couple older kids, the Pyle brothers, overheard our conversation. The Pyle brothers were known for their cruelty to animals and girls. One time, I heard that they cut off a girl’s pigtail because she wouldn’t share her Halloween candy with them. No one knows if it is true, and we were all too scared to question it.
“So Ben, are you going to ask your mom for the new Xbox, or do you think it’d be better to have Santa bring it?” John asked me innocently.
“I don’t want to ask my mom for anything this year, she is still working really hard without dad being around” I tell him.
“Well Santa always brings what I ask so why don’t you just ask him instead?” he replied.
“John, sometimes Santa doesn’t bring everything I ask for, I think maybe I ask too much” I tell him.
“Santa? Are you guys babies or something?” I hear a familiar voice and spin around to meet eye to chin with Dan Pyle, the meaner of the two.
“Yeah Dan, I think they are babies, that must be why they sit and talk about Santa Claus” his brother Dave chimed in.
“HAHA! Ben Stone believes in Santa still” John points and laughs accusingly at me.
“What? Wait, I thought we were talking about our Christmas plans” I ask John with a tremor in my voice.
“Yeah but YOU still believe in Santa, and I don’t, you big baby” John stands with the Pyle boys as they all being to taunt me and laugh at me.
And like that our friendship was over. I can’t believe he abandoned me to save himself. And I know he still believes in Santa because we have been talking about him ever since we met. We of course didn’t believe that he squeezed down our chimney, but we knew it was the magic suit that allowed him to travel through walls and carry so many presents. How could John abandon me like that? Did he really not believe anymore?
“Ben Stone is a baby!” my thoughts were interrupted by the chants of the other 8 kids at the bus stop pointing and laughing at me.
I still don’t make eye contact with the kids at my stop. And next year it will be worse because my brother Eric will be in Kindergarten and I will be expected to protect him too. At least the Pyle boys graduate this year, well maybe if they don’t fail. That would be just my luck. They remain in 5th grade and make my life a living hell.
John and I began talking again after Christmas break, but I will never trust him again. He really hurt me and never apologized. So now we still sit together and eat lunch together but he is always trying to act like he isn’t really my friend when the popular kids are watching. I don’t really have any other friends unless I want to sit and talk to with Brendan Meyers, the nose picker. He was the kid who ate paste in 1st grade and who gets blamed for every fart in class. I think I will take my chances with John, the back stabber.  And today was going to be my day to show him that I can play tough too. And I am not talking about my wicked awesome four square moves.
“Well, since we can’t agree who will take the square, I guess I will just go talk to Janet” I yell back to him as I have already started running toward her.
“What? You can’t, she won’t talk to you unless it’s about…” his voice trails off as I leave him standing stunned and alone.
By the time John finally reaches the game I am standing proudly in the King square with Janet by my side. His jaw drops down so far when he finally sees me holding the ball about to serve.
            “Hey Janet, I thought it was my turn to be in King square” John whined.
“Well, Ben helped me with my homework yesterday so I told him he could have King      Square all week” Janet answered the confused boy.
I did it. I Ben Stone, believer in Santa, beat John honestly. Now I bet he will think twice before treating me poorly.

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