Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Writing Assignment 3: Internal monologue writing: Audrey & David

*** the monologue portion is written in red ink***

“What happened to your face?” she asked in a mild tone.
“I don’t want to talk about my day. Can we just try to have a normal dinner for once?” He snapped back.
“David, you can’t keep going on like this, you can’t lose that job or we’ll…”
“Or you’ll have to actually get of your ass and do something? Oh no. POOR Audrey.”
“Don’t say things like that; you know if I wasn’t taking all of these classes to better OUR life, I would be out there working just like you!” She started to tremble. Fighting wasn’t a strong skill for her.
“HA HA HA! Yeah, that’s really great. Imagining YOU still working. Al you do is read those books and go to that damned place 5 days a week where YOU pay them money. And what do I get? A bitchy girlfriend!” he said.
“I am your fiancee, or have you decided to forget about that like you forgot my birthday last week?” She snapped back, surprised she had such a quick retort.
“fiancee my ass, the way we are going now we will never be able to afford a wedding. And besides, you haven’t even told your dad that we are engaged! So yeah, I think girlfriend is pretty fitting right now”.
No wedding? He can’t be serious. I mean, I know we can’t afford one now, but as soon as school is done everything will get better, right? He wants me to tell dad about how we are living right now? That’ll never happen! Dad would flip out if he knew what kind of job David was working right now to make ends meet. I mean, since mom died, he hasn’t been able to cope with any major change or disappointment. It would crush whatever soul he has left. Then again, if we don’t tell dad now and he finds out someway, he will be even more crushed that his princess lied to him and has been keeping things. I mean, that’s what Janet did with her whole lying about being on a missionary trip but actually running around with that artist girlfriend of hers escapade last summer and he still hasn’t forgiven her! I can’t bear to think of what he would do if he found out both of his daughters were liars. No. We had better hold off on talking to dad about this. Maybe we can just go visit next weekend and have dinner with him, we really should give him a call.

“Well, how am I supposed to tell him? Should I call him right now, ‘Hey dad, guess what? You know David, my boyfriend of 5 years who quit the firm and now works as a bouncer at a strip club? Well, we’re getting hitched’ Is that what I should say?!” she began to yell. “What do you want me to do?”
“Listen baby” he spoke in a low calm tone, “I just hate how we are living right now, I hate this tiny closet apartment. I hate the fact that I am working in the club. I hate that I can’t buy you all of the nice things like I used to… you know. Before.”
“And I keep telling you I never cared about those things, just us,” she said as she swallowed the ball that had formed in her throat. “We just have to get through this. I am almost done with these classes and the internship should start soon. Now get over here and let me clean that cut before it gets all crusty .Then we can have our dinner.”
“But I thought the bad boy look turned you on, babe?” He smiled.
“Shut up and turn on the stereo you big dork!” She smiled right back.

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